Saturday, June 23, 2012

in my view

 Love has been essential part of our life. In fact it is life . Everyone likes to love and be loved . When they start loving only they think is to love, be loved and be happy but they never consider the another side of love, hurt. Actually love bites . Our hearts break and tears roll down from eyes and still we say we are happy because we are in

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Existance of God

God is God. God is great. God declare Himself as God. Yet, no one had heard the sound or seen the event

when He declare Himself as God still people keep faith on Him. So people worship Him. Hindus worship Lord Shiva, Ganesha, Krishna and Ram as God. Buddhist worship Lord Buddha, Muslim worship Allah who is something in nothing and Christian believe and worship Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit and Father God. Billions of people believe in them but still they have doubt in their existence. People argue themselves that Lords and God are liable for honorable respect but are legendary heroes of mythology. They argue if God really exist then millions of innocent would not have died during first and second world war. Million's of people died because they did nothing and they died because they did not do something that they had to do. This is what another group of people argue. Upto some extent God exist and science stands it's proof. God is there, so the religions and religions are there, so the science. God has exist and science evolved and got developed.

Internet in my life

Internet, the most reliable and emerging medium of communication almost at the summit of it's success. Started at the 19th century as the telegram today internet has conquered every fields in world. Use of internet is massive in the world, but in my country internet has limitation of use. Lack of technology and capital is main reason behind limitation of use. People are also not skill to use internet, but they try their best. I have define internet as a medium of communication, that brings me in touch with friends, family and tutors. It is the base for the research of science, technology, modernization and globalization and the same time it is also platform where I find useless things like sex videos, murder videos that attract me and sometime diverts my minds for a while. Internet has become drug for me. I can leave my friends, family, sleep, rest, food for internet. This is not the case only for me but all the internet user upto some extent. There is apple in my hand. I can eat without washing or another way is to wash apple, cut into pieces and eat. I have free to eat it in any way but eating apple after washing and cutting into pieces can be the best option.

Foreign Aid

The world history clearly addressed that there has been always mutual assistance between groups or nations since early human civilization. With the changes in period of time, today those mutual assistance is denoted by the name foreign aid. Foreign aid has been a reliable success of income for the developing the country. But the foreign aid has created the dependency upon the receiving nation. Due to the foreign aid receiving nation neglect in collection of tax from it's people, hesitate in developmental works and the nation too loss the sovereignty. Overall, foreign aid promotes donors as a foreign masters to rule the nation and long term disturbance in development which has not only created dependency but also increase the dependency of receiving nation on various area such as finance, politics, developmental works, military training and management. However, foreign aid is the most reliable source of income for developing country. Poor countries are withstands in their economy only due to the foreign aid. Foreign aid maintain the financial stability of the developing country. Moreover, foreign aid helps in the development of infrastructure of country, maintains diplomatic relation between countries and open the gate of business and trade.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Environmental problems in Nepal

  Environment has become the burning issue in today's world as the environmental problems like global warming and climate change is at the top . Nepal small but beautiful , a Himalayan country has also been affected by this problems . The world highest mountain Mt. Everest's ice is melting now . There are so many others high mountain like Kanchenjunga , Machhapuchra , Loutse , Saipal and Annapurna whose ice are melting at rapid rate . Though Nepal is not responsible for this melting of ice but Nepal has to take the steps to minimize it . Deforestation , problems of waste management , river pollution and chances of glacier lake burst out are the others problems that Nepal face .