Sunday, February 6, 2011

Existance of God

God is God. God is great. God declare Himself as God. Yet, no one had heard the sound or seen the event

when He declare Himself as God still people keep faith on Him. So people worship Him. Hindus worship Lord Shiva, Ganesha, Krishna and Ram as God. Buddhist worship Lord Buddha, Muslim worship Allah who is something in nothing and Christian believe and worship Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit and Father God. Billions of people believe in them but still they have doubt in their existence. People argue themselves that Lords and God are liable for honorable respect but are legendary heroes of mythology. They argue if God really exist then millions of innocent would not have died during first and second world war. Million's of people died because they did nothing and they died because they did not do something that they had to do. This is what another group of people argue. Upto some extent God exist and science stands it's proof. God is there, so the religions and religions are there, so the science. God has exist and science evolved and got developed.


  1. There is a little correction required in this post. Muslim do not worship Mohammad,Muslims only worship nothing but Allah, Mohammad(Peace be upon him),Jesus(PBUH) and Moses(PBUH) are just His massenger.

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  2. thank you sir. Thanks for your kind suggestion. Once more thank you.
