Sunday, February 6, 2011

Internet in my life

Internet, the most reliable and emerging medium of communication almost at the summit of it's success. Started at the 19th century as the telegram today internet has conquered every fields in world. Use of internet is massive in the world, but in my country internet has limitation of use. Lack of technology and capital is main reason behind limitation of use. People are also not skill to use internet, but they try their best. I have define internet as a medium of communication, that brings me in touch with friends, family and tutors. It is the base for the research of science, technology, modernization and globalization and the same time it is also platform where I find useless things like sex videos, murder videos that attract me and sometime diverts my minds for a while. Internet has become drug for me. I can leave my friends, family, sleep, rest, food for internet. This is not the case only for me but all the internet user upto some extent. There is apple in my hand. I can eat without washing or another way is to wash apple, cut into pieces and eat. I have free to eat it in any way but eating apple after washing and cutting into pieces can be the best option.

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